Sunday, January 22, 2012

My energy healing

One thing I didn’t write in December about my health crisis was what happened just before the radiologist performed the procedure to dissolve the horrid clots that were blocking my pulmonary arteries. The procedure carried a high risk of bleeding. I was a candidate for it because I was in otherwise good health but my heart needed help. It was under strain because of those clots. They had to go as quickly as possible.

So what is the other part of the story? There is the medicine and then there are the complements to medicine and it isn’t always easy to talk about them together because they seem so separate. The complement part included prayer—there were lots of people praying for me in many different ways. But there was also the request I made of my husband. I asked him for some chi.

I am convinced that my healing required the medicine, the prayer, and the chi/energy. They fit together. They are not contradictory but complementary. I am even more convinced of that because of what happened to me last night, which I will write about in another entry. I want to tell first about that afternoon session with Vic in the hospital room, just before I went to Interventional Radiology.

My husband, a semi-retired PhD research chemist, has recently discovered that he has a powerful energy gift. His gift was brought to his attention by a Tai Chi/Chi Gong practitioner who is a close friend of our daughter and her husband. Vic “happened” to be visiting and participating in a class with Joanna one day and Sang noticed the effect of the energy coming from Vic’s hands. Since then Vic has tentatively explored this gift. He still doesn’t quite know what to do with it but he will offer it if asked. I do ask now and then and I am finding it more and more powerful as he practices and I become more receptive. It is hard to describe what happens except by giving an example. The hospital experience is the most vivid one so far.

I asked Vic to “chi” my chest before the procedure. I lay on my back. He did what he usually does: held his hands over my body, moving slowly or hovering, not touching. I soon felt warmth and a kind of tingling sensation, very pleasant, relaxing. I descended into a meditative state. Eyes closed, I saw waves and blobs of deep indigo, something like this picture. 

After a while I felt the front of my chest was “done” and I turned over. He began doing the same over my back. But immediately the image behind my closed eyelids changed. The blue disappeared and I saw red and black. At first the images were like red cauliflower against a gray and black background, a little like this (you can find anything on Google images):

And then the images became like waving red coral, like this except the tubes were thinner and you couldn’t see inside them:

These red-and-black images seemed like images of disease—even specifically a disease of lungs and blood vessels. After a while, however, the red and black disappeared, giving way to indigo with light shooting through:

I felt like the needed shift had happened. A few minutes later the nurse came for me and I went into the procedure calm, confident that the healing had already begun. The procedure ended up working beautifully, no bleeding.

I do not say the chi made the procedure work. I believe they were both essential in their own way. But I must say that the half hour with my husband in that darkened room was one of the most beautiful, sacred, intimate experiences we have ever had together.


  1. I'm speechless! Thanks for sharing this powerful story...

  2. Awesome! There is so much we can't explain or prove when it comes to energy work, but it certainly does promote healing and wellness when balanced. Maybe Vic should come to the Zero Balancing training at Memorial Hospital in April to add another layer of understanding to his healing work.
